

2017-07-04 LearnAndRecord

Trump Tweets a Video of Him Wrestling ‘CNN’ to the Ground


The New York Times


President Donald Trump posted a short video to his Twitter account on Sunday in which he is portrayed wrestling and punching[1] a figure whose head has been replaced by the logo for CNN.

周日,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统在Twitter上发了一段短视频,在视频中,他推倒、猛击一个人,这个人的头被换成了CNN的标志。

[1]punch:to hit someone or something with your fist (= closed hand) 用拳猛击

He punched him in the stomach.


The video, about 28 seconds long, appears to be an edited clip from a years-old appearance by Trump in WrestleMania, an annual professional wrestling event. The clip ends with an on-screen restyling of the CNN logo as “FNN: Fraud News Network.

视频大约长28秒,它似乎是多年前特朗普在摔角狂热(WrestleMania)上亮相时的视频剪辑。摔角狂热是每年一次的职业摔角赛事。视频结尾处,屏幕上显示了CNN标志的变体:“FNN:欺诈新闻网”(FNN: Fraud News Network)。

In a speech Saturday in Washington, Trump referred to CNN as “garbage journalism” and said: “The fake media tried to stop us from going to the White House. But I'm president, and they're not.


The wrestling video, which was also posted to the official @POTUS Twitter account, stirred criticism, disbelief and dumbfoundedness[2]. Some journalists denounced its portrayal of violence as dangerous, saying it could incite attacks or threats against media employees.


[2]dumbfounded:so shocked that you cannot speak 吓得目瞪口呆的,惊得说不出话的

He was dumbfounded by the allegations.


[3]incite:to encourage someone to do or feel something unpleasant or violent 鼓动;煽动

She was expelled for inciting her classmates to rebel against their teachers.


I think it is unseemly[4] that the president would attack journalists for doing their jobs, and encourage such anger at the media,” said Dean Baquet, executive editor of The New York Times.

 “我认为总统攻击在做本职工作的新闻工作者,在媒体上鼓励这样的愤怒,很不得体,”《纽约时报》的执行主编迪恩·巴奎(Dean Baquet)说。

[4]unseemly:not seemly (= socially suitable and polite) 不合适的,不得体的;不礼貌的

The administration did not respond to a request for comment. Trump's homeland security adviser, Thomas Bossert, defended the video when he viewed it for the first time during a broadcast interview with Martha Raddatz of ABC News. “No one would perceive that as a threat,” Bossert said. “I hope they don't.

特朗普政府没有回应置评请求。特朗普的国土安全顾问托马斯·博塞特(Thomas Bossert)在接受ABC新闻的广播采访时首次看到视频,他对视频进行了辩护。“没人会把它视为威胁,”博塞特说。“我希望他们不会。”

Trump's fans on Reddit were exuberant[5] about what they viewed as validation from the country's most powerful man. “I love this,” wrote a user identified as American-Crusader. “You know he saw it, chuckled, and knew he could control the media narrative[6] for days by hitting the ‘post’ button. So he did.”


[5]exuberant [ɪɡ'zjuːbərənt]

(especially of people and their behaviour) very energetic (尤指人或其行为)精力充沛的,热情洋溢的,兴高采烈的

Young and exuberant, he symbolizes Italy's new vitality.


[6]narrative:a story or a description of a series of events 故事;叙述

It's a moving narrative of wartime adventure.


On Sunday, CNN issued its response.


It is a sad day when the president of the United States encourages violence against reporters,” the network said in a statement. “Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, dealing with North Korea and working on his health care bill, he is involved in juvenile behavior[7] far below the dignity of his office. We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his.

“今天是个悲哀的日子,美国总统鼓励对记者实施暴力,”该新闻网在一项声明中说。“他没有为出国访问以及与弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)的首次会面做准备,也没有在处理朝鲜问题或研究医保法案,而是在进行拉低他的职位尊严的幼稚行为。我们会继续做我们的工作。他也应该开始做他的。”

[7]juvenile behavior 幼稚行为








